Adding Alike: When adding fractions with the same denominators you add the numerators for example if it's 1/6 + 3/6 adding the numerators and keep the denominators 1+3=4 don`t add the denominator. Answer then is 4/6
Try these: 5/12 + 3/12 3/10 + 5/10
Adding Unalike: When adding fractions that have different denominators you have to determine a common denominator for example if it's 1/3 + 2/6 you can either multiply the 1/3 by 2 = 2/6 or multiply both fractions by the other fractions denominator 1/3x6=6/18 2/6x3=6/18 then add the numerators and keep the denominator
Try these: 3/12 + 2/6 5/10 + 2/5
Subtracting with Alike: When subtracting with alike you do the same thing for adding but subtract the 2 numbers for example if it's 8/10 - 3/10 do 8-3=5 so the answer is 5/10
Try these: 9/10 - 4/10 5/6 - 3/6
Subtracting with Unalike: When subtracting with unalike denominators you still have to find a common denominator like this: 6/10 - 2/5 you can either multiply that 2/5 by 2 and get 4/10 and subtract then answer is 2/10 or 6/10 x5 = 30/50 and 2/5x 10 = 20/50 and subtract then answer is 10/50
Try these: 7/12 - 3/6 7/8 - 1/4
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